Yesterday I received the iPad the Tall Guy and I ordered for use on my trips back and forth from Boston to LAX over the coming months - can't tell you how happy I am that I scored a Jet BluePass for unlimited travel for the next three months.
As I set up the iPad, I realized that I had not one but three Apple products sitting next to me (computer and iPhone were the other two). It made laugh at how nerdy that probably looked, but it also made me reminisce about my first Apple product: a second generation iPod. This was before those great commercials came out with those catchy songs by The Black Eyed Peas and Jet.
Getting an iPod convinced me that Apple was on to something good. I bought their stock at $15/share back in 2002, and you probably know how that turned out.
The NY Times announcement yesterday that Steve Jobs could no longer fufill his duties as CEO of Apple came as a disappointment to many.
Another NY Times analysis shocked me: Steve Jobs's 313 Patents all laid out in a row (check it out for yourself). The guy has undoubtedly changed the way we interact with technology forever.
Apple has done some really amazing things - more than just giving people the ability to play Angry Birds on big screens. I'm sure they're well aware of the many eyes upon them in this next chapter without Steve Jobs.
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